Swachhta Pakhwara 2016
- 16th to 30th September, 2016
Swachhta Pakhwara was jointly organized by the Archaeological Museum & Sub Circle, Sanchi in full swing from 16 th September to 30 th September, 2016 at Sanchi. Following programmes were conducted during the Pakhwara.
Live PreviewArchaeological Survey of India Archaeological Museum, Sanchi District, Raisen, (M.P.)
General Cleaning and maintenance of storesThe unwanted material was removed from the store rooms and the useful material was re-arranged in systematic manner. The store rooms have also been cleaned up by way of dusting, sweeping etc. The complete staff and Museum Head were deeply involved during the cleaning work.
Preparation of old and of Auctioning unserviceable material In continuation of Swachhta Pakhwara some old and unserviceable material were selected for auction.
Heritage Walk A heritage walk was organised on 24 th cleanliness to keep Sept., 2016 to create awareness towards as well as polythene free premises of our cultural heritage among the masses. This walk began from Sanchi Museum and went up to Stupa No.1 School children, school - teachers, local people, media persons and all the officers and staff members of Regional Directorate(Central Region), Archaeological Survey of India, Archaeological Sanchi, Museum, Temple project(NR), Bhopal, sub circle, Bhopal survey Sanchi Horticulture Division, Sanchi, participated during the Heritage walk and the walk got good response from the print media.
Participation in Swachhta Pakhwara Programme jointly organised by the Regional Directorate (Central Region) Bhopal & Temple Survey Project (NR), Bhopal at museum premises, Sanchi - The Museum head and his staff participated in Swachhta Pakhwara celebration jointly organised by the Regional Directorate (Central Region ) and Temple Survey Project (Northern Region) Bhopal on 24/09/2016 at the Premises of Sanchi Museum. During this programme, Dr. Amit Kumar Gupta, Samudayik Swastha Kendra, Sanchi guided to the school children and local personals on self-hygiene and various kind of disease occurs due to dust, polythene, water stagnation etc. Shri Zulfequar Ali, Superintending Archaeologist, Bhopal Circle expressed his views on the occasion. Susri Rekha Radha Ballabhi, Deputy Superintending Archaeologist of the Regional Directorate & I/C Temple Survey Project(NR), Bhopal also encouraged school children and local people to come forward to keep our cultural heritage neat and clean. Students also shared their views on need of cleanliness.
Swachhta Abhiyan at museum premises - All the employees of Sanchi museum participated in Swachhta Abhiyan along with school children at museum premises on 26/09/2016
Interaction of Museum Staff with School Children on Clean India Campaign - Small programme of speech on clean India campaign among the school children was organised on 28/09/206 to understand the ideas and way of thinking of the young future of India. The students shared their ideas enthusiastically and took oath to keep our nation neat and clean. During the occasion the museum staff interacted with the children and promoted them to keep our Heritage, Nation, Houses, Town and themselves neat & clean. The programme was a grand success.